Welcome Home

Passion for Christ

Compassion for People

a place to belong

Passion for Christ. Compassion for People.

Crosstown Covenant Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for Him. Join us for our Sunday service! 
Bible Presentation


We are seeking a dynamic follower of Jesus to serve as our Director of Worship Arts.
Our congregation has a heart of "Passion for Christ, Compassion for People" as we serve our community in Jesus' name.
Our goal is that the Worship Director would serve as a catalyst for our congregation-wide value of "Heartfelt Worship'".
This is a unique opportunity to be part of a faith-filled congregation that is seeking to follow the Holy Spirit into a new day of ministry!
Contact Lead Pastor John Jacobi for more information:  pastorjohn@crosstowncovenant.org

Multi-Generational Community.
Dependence on the Word of God.
Life-Changing Relationship with Jesus.
Compelling Mission.
Personal Caring.
Heartfelt Worship.

Multi-Generational Community.
Dependence on the Word of God.
Life-Changing Relationship with Jesus.
Compelling Mission.
Personal Caring.
Heartfelt Worship.

Multi-Generational Community.
Dependence on the Word of God.
Life-Changing Relationship with Jesus.
Compelling Mission.
Personal Caring.
Heartfelt Worship.



Wild Bible Adventures, Tundra Treats, Glacier Games, Super Songs, and more!

WHEN:   JULY 20-23, from 6-8 PM     

5540 30TH AVE. S.

Worship Services

Worshiping offered online and in person.
Sunday Worship at 10:00am (streaming on YouTube)
Food Shelf Logo

Food Shelf

Hosted twice a month.

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For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:21

Your generosity enables all of us to participate in the mission of God.

We serve children, youth, adults, our community.

Ways To Give

Give Online:

For your convenience we have an online donation option.  
This can be utilized for a one-time donation, scheduled tithe, or special project denoted in your notes.  

Give in person:

You are welcome to bring an offering to church on Sunday, or leave it in the church mailbox. If you have giving envelopes, please utilize them.

Mail A Check:

Crosstown Covenant Church
5540 30th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Enjoying Covenant Pines Camp