Lent at Crosstown
This year we are exploring the idea of lament during Lent as we prepare for Easter. Sunday Lent services start March 20th. There are special services to note, further contemplation on the topic in our blog posts, and music to help immerse in this spiritual practice. Our series Scripture passage comes from Matthew 27.
Matthew 27:45-56

Easter Morning
Empty Tomb Hunt | Easter Worship
Coffee, Donuts & Empty Tomb Hunt- April 17 @ 9:00am
Easter Worship Service- April 17 @ 10:00am
Easter morning will be an all-inclusive church family celebration. We will have our annual Empty Tomb Hunt along with breakfast treats and coffee for a morning of joy and fellowship. Then we will join in worship together at 10:00am to celebrate our risen Lord!
Easter Worship Service- April 17 @ 10:00am
Easter morning will be an all-inclusive church family celebration. We will have our annual Empty Tomb Hunt along with breakfast treats and coffee for a morning of joy and fellowship. Then we will join in worship together at 10:00am to celebrate our risen Lord!
*Masks are optional but we do have separate seating in the Sanctuary for those who would prefer extra distancing.
Special Services
Vespers Service- March 18 @ 7:00pm
This Vespers service is a way for you to take some devoted time with God as we begin observing Lent together. This gathering will not be offered on livestream.
Palm Sunday- April 10 @ 9:15am
Celebrate with the classic palm processional. Link for livestream is below.
Good Friday- April 15 @ 6:30pm
Focus on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross. The service will include Scripture readings and reflections, worship music, and the extinguishing of candles. There will be an opportunity to nail our sins into a wooden cross as we remember Jesus' amazing love and sacrifice for all of us. Link to livestream below.
Lent Lament Blog
This year we are exploring Lent through the less traditional lens of lament. Our passage of focus will be Matthew 27:45-56. Each week we will reflect on a different part of this passage, soak up a Lament song from Porter's Gate, and cry out with a prayer Psalm from David.
Giving Drive for Food Shelf
During this time the church observes a season of generosity, simplicity, and repentance. This year's drive is supporting the Good in the 'Hood food shelf at Crosstown by adding cleaning items to the distribution. See our flier or shopping list for details.
Lament Music
We have collected two playlists for you. The first is songs of lament that parallel our sermon series and blog posts. These songs are also available on our YouTube playlist.
The second list is a compilation of various artists to help you center on Good Friday in preparation to celebrate His resurrection.
The second list is a compilation of various artists to help you center on Good Friday in preparation to celebrate His resurrection.
Egg Decorating
April 1st we will learn how to decorate Ukrainian style eggs. See event listed below for more information.
Have a Question? Feel free to contact us.