How can you help ?

Children's Ministry Team
The Children’s Ministry Team is responsible for developing and administering all programs and activities of Christian growth and learning for children and their families from birth through completion of 5th grade. The primary objectives of this ministry are to evangelize and disciple children and develop healthy Christian families.
Community Caring Ministry Team
The Community Caring Ministry Team is responsible for encouraging relationships and support between church members along with facilitating local community mission activities and partnerships. This ministry's main purpose is to live out
“compassion for people.”
“compassion for people.”
Life & Mission Ministry Team
This ministry exists to advance Crosstown’s mission of “inviting and equipping all people to experience a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ.” We pursue this ministry by focusing on the three verbs in our Spiritual Life Pathway of: Invite / Equip / Invest.
Finance Ministry Team
The Finance Team is responsible for accounting for all money and gifts given to the church and for paying all budget commitments.
Youth Ministry Team
The Youth Ministry Team assists in developing and administering all programs and ministering to the junior and senior high young people (grades 6-12) and their families.
Properties Ministry Team
The Properties Ministry Team is responsible for proper care and maintenance of all church buildings, grounds, and equipment except as designated to other commissions.
Worship Arts Ministry Team
Shout for joy to the Lord; all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs….Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. With these words from Psalm 100, we are introduced to the clarion call of the Bible—WORSHIP GOD. The Worship Arts Ministry Team serves alongside both the Director of Worship Arts as well as the Lead Pastor in developing, enabling, and challenging the congregational worship life of Crosstown.