Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Local Support
Food Shelf
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month we host a food shelf in partnership with Good in the 'Hood, Trinity Lutheran of Minnehaha Falls, and the Nokomis East Neighborhood Association. All neighbors in need are welcome to stop by to pick up food and supplies between 2:00-4:00pm.
Supporting Neighbors
The Crosstown building is utilized for a number of local events for the LNCS PTA, Girl Scout troops, elections, Care Partners learning pods, neighborhood meetings, homeschool coops, piano recitals, and more.
Supporting Local Churches
Crosstown is also home to a Spanish-speaking congregation. Verbo en Accion Covenant Church is a congregation that shares this same space during the week for worship, Bible studies, and events.

Active Global Personnel

Jochy & Tammi Hernandez
ECC Global Personnel
Jochy & Tammi Hernandez are a young family with a vision to plant Covenant churches in the Dominican Republic. The past few years they've started the first church and ministry, "Tal Como Soy", which is flourishing because of their hearts for young people.

James Tang
ECC Global Personnel
James Tang's weekly ministry in East Africa takes him through wilderness and danger we can only imagine from movies. It is the love of Christ that compels him to travel overland (think of Jeeps, motorbikes and walking long distances) to remote villages where he spends days and nights encouraging, discipling younger leaders, and speaking in churches.

Peter and Martha Hearne
Linaje Escogido Church
in Villa San Antonio, Honduras
The Hearnes founded
this church in 2002.
It is an active
evangelical congregation
holding regular
Spirit-filled worship services.
Other ministries include:
a children's feeding center,
a senior center,
and Samuel Medical Center.
in Villa San Antonio, Honduras
The Hearnes founded
this church in 2002.
It is an active
evangelical congregation
holding regular
Spirit-filled worship services.
Other ministries include:
a children's feeding center,
a senior center,
and Samuel Medical Center.