"VBS is my favorite week all year"

- Pastor John

"I love the music"

"The crafts are so fun!"

FAQs about VBS

Do I have to register my child to attend?
We would love it if you could. This helps us better prepare!  Registration online is available here and will close Saturday, July 24. But you are always welcome to just "show up" any or all evenings too. Walk-ins are welcome.

Do I need a facemask?
Yes, face masks must be worn by all attenders and leaders while indoors.

What does the evening schedule look like?
Opening session with music and stories in the sanctuary.
Then children will be divided into two large groups for outdoor activities (crafts & games).
Closing session with music in the sanctuary.

What ages are welcome to attend VBS 2021?
VBS is designed for children ages 4 years old, through entering 6th grade.
Siblings younger than 4 years old and older than 6th grade, are invited to stay at home.  We cannot accommodate ages outside the VBS ages.

Are there snacks?  What do I do if my child has food allergies?
There are snacks this year!  They will be served with COVID safety precautions in mind.  When registering your child for VBS, either online or at door, please note their allergies.  A special snack will be available.

Is there a last day celebration that the parents should attend? What time?
Yes!  Parents are invited at 7:30 on Wednesday for our Closing Celebration.

What if two friends are attending and want to be placed in the same crew group?
This year we are not organizing small assigned crew groups. Children will stay in larger groupings outside so there will be plenty of opportunity for friends to connect. 
What if we aren't comfortable attending VBS in person yet?  What if my child isn't comfortable with being "dropped off" for VBS?

VBS from Home
Everyday videos about our lessons will be posted here, on the VBS website, and the Crosstown app if you would rather participate at home.  We will not have a "real time" virtual option for children to participate.

Attend VBS with a Parent/ Guardian
While VBS is geared towards kids ages 4 years old through kids entering 6th Grade, we know some parents will feel more comfortable if they participate with their child. A parent or caregiver is welcome to participate in VBS in its entirety with their child. However siblings not of VBS age are invited to stay home.

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Love the VBS music? 
You can sing with all the songs on Spotify or check out our app for the playlist and stream music. 

Email Polly with questions.  polly@crosstowncovenant.org