Food Shelf Six Month Update
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and how this helps my family” - food shelf guest
The NENA food shelf completed its last distribution in 2021. Starting in January 2022, a triple partnership of Crosstown Covenant, Trinity Lutheran, and Good in the ‘Hood relaunched a Nokomis food shelf. We have now completed our 12th distribution!
Watching food shelf Wednesdays transpire is a humbling thing. First, we wait for food pallets to arrive. Since Good in the ‘Hood completes the ordering and food purchasing, it’s a surprise what and how much will arrive. Some weeks are fairly lean. Some weeks have excess amounts of graham cracker pie crusts or pork rinds. There are weeks with tons of meat and others where the protein option is limited to eggs. Additional items at the food shelf like cleaning supplies, paper products, diapers, personal hygiene, magazines, and more are brought in through donations or personal connections. Every week is a different shopping experience for our guests.
Watching food shelf Wednesdays transpire is a humbling thing. First, we wait for food pallets to arrive. Since Good in the ‘Hood completes the ordering and food purchasing, it’s a surprise what and how much will arrive. Some weeks are fairly lean. Some weeks have excess amounts of graham cracker pie crusts or pork rinds. There are weeks with tons of meat and others where the protein option is limited to eggs. Additional items at the food shelf like cleaning supplies, paper products, diapers, personal hygiene, magazines, and more are brought in through donations or personal connections. Every week is a different shopping experience for our guests.
“This makes the difference for me to be able to stay in my house” - food shelf guest
Each distribution is a roller coaster of emotions as volunteers work to sort and set up food. Guests to the food shelf often start arriving an hour before it opens. They line up and wait patiently in the building. Now that school is out, the volume has increased as children join the shopping trip. Many guests walk over to the church and therefore can require multiple trips to carry items home or limit what they take to two bags in order to manage. To help better meet this mobility need, the food shelf has opened a second pop-up location in a Bossen apartment parking lot. This pop-up food shelf has been well received but has also doubled our volunteer needs.
How many people use the food shelf? Currently, we serve 70 families. How much food comes through Crosstown’s doors to feed people? Each distribution offers around 3,000 pounds of food!
How many people use the food shelf? Currently, we serve 70 families. How much food comes through Crosstown’s doors to feed people? Each distribution offers around 3,000 pounds of food!
“I just moved into an apartment in Bossen and am having money trouble. The landlord recommended that I come here.” - Crosstown visitor
The atmosphere of the food shelf is so positive and grateful. It’s a wonderful place to volunteer. All ages are welcome to help, but children need to be accompanied by an adult. Please consider joining us on a 2nd or 4th Wednesday of the month as we work to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our local community.
-Kristi Johnson
-Kristi Johnson
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1 Comment
Great work to everyone who helps to make the food shelf happen!!